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use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use core::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use core::future::Future;
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, RawWaker, RawWakerVTable, Waker};
struct Inner {
future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>>,
waker: Waker,
pub(crate) struct Task {
// The actual Future that we're executing as part of this task.
// This is an Option so that the Future can be immediately dropped when it's
// finished
inner: RefCell<Option<Inner>>,
// This is used to ensure that the Task will only be queued once
is_queued: Cell<bool>,
impl Task {
pub(crate) fn spawn(future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>>) {
let this = Rc::new(Self {
inner: RefCell::new(None),
is_queued: Cell::new(true),
let waker = unsafe { Waker::from_raw(Task::into_raw_waker(Rc::clone(&this))) };
*this.inner.borrow_mut() = Some(Inner { future, waker });
crate::queue::Queue::with(|queue| queue.schedule_task(this));
fn force_wake(this: Rc<Self>) {
crate::queue::Queue::with(|queue| {
fn wake(this: Rc<Self>) {
// If we've already been placed on the run queue then there's no need to
// requeue ourselves since we're going to run at some point in the
// future anyway.
if this.is_queued.replace(true) {
fn wake_by_ref(this: &Rc<Self>) {
// If we've already been placed on the run queue then there's no need to
// requeue ourselves since we're going to run at some point in the
// future anyway.
if this.is_queued.replace(true) {
/// Creates a standard library `RawWaker` from an `Rc` of ourselves.
/// Note that in general this is wildly unsafe because everything with
/// Futures requires `Sync` + `Send` with regard to Wakers. For wasm,
/// however, everything is guaranteed to be singlethreaded (since we're
/// compiled without the `atomics` feature) so we "safely lie" and say our
/// `Rc` pointer is good enough.
/// The implementation is based off of futures::task::ArcWake
unsafe fn into_raw_waker(this: Rc<Self>) -> RawWaker {
unsafe fn raw_clone(ptr: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
let ptr = ManuallyDrop::new(Rc::from_raw(ptr as *const Task));
unsafe fn raw_wake(ptr: *const ()) {
let ptr = Rc::from_raw(ptr as *const Task);
unsafe fn raw_wake_by_ref(ptr: *const ()) {
let ptr = ManuallyDrop::new(Rc::from_raw(ptr as *const Task));
unsafe fn raw_drop(ptr: *const ()) {
drop(Rc::from_raw(ptr as *const Task));
static VTABLE: RawWakerVTable =
RawWakerVTable::new(raw_clone, raw_wake, raw_wake_by_ref, raw_drop);
RawWaker::new(Rc::into_raw(this) as *const (), &VTABLE)
pub(crate) fn run(&self) {
let mut borrow = self.inner.borrow_mut();
// Wakeups can come in after a Future has finished and been destroyed,
// so handle this gracefully by just ignoring the request to run.
let inner = match borrow.as_mut() {
Some(inner) => inner,
None => return,
// Ensure that if poll calls `waker.wake()` we can get enqueued back on
// the run queue.
let poll = {
let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&inner.waker);
inner.future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx)
// If a future has finished (`Ready`) then clean up resources associated
// with the future ASAP. This ensures that we don't keep anything extra
// alive in-memory by accident. Our own struct, `Rc<Task>` won't
// actually go away until all wakers referencing us go away, which may
// take quite some time, so ensure that the heaviest of resources are
// released early.
if poll.is_ready() {
*borrow = None;