Trait wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmAbi

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pub trait WasmAbi {
    type Prim1: WasmPrimitive;
    type Prim2: WasmPrimitive;
    type Prim3: WasmPrimitive;
    type Prim4: WasmPrimitive;

    // Required methods
    fn split(self) -> (Self::Prim1, Self::Prim2, Self::Prim3, Self::Prim4);
    fn join(
        prim1: Self::Prim1,
        prim2: Self::Prim2,
        prim3: Self::Prim3,
        prim4: Self::Prim4,
    ) -> Self;
Expand description

A trait which represents types that can be passed across the Wasm ABI boundary, by being split into multiple Wasm primitive types.

Up to 4 primitives are supported; if you don’t want to use all of them, you can set the rest to (), which will cause them to be ignored.

You need to be careful how many primitives you use, however: Result<T, JsValue> uses up 2 primitives to store the error, and so it doesn’t work if T uses more than 2 primitives.

So, if you’re adding support for a type that needs 3 or more primitives and is able to be returned, you have to add another primitive here.

There’s already one type that uses 3 primitives: &mut [T]. However, it can’t be returned anyway, so it doesn’t matter that Result<&mut [T], JsValue> wouldn’t work.

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§


fn split(self) -> (Self::Prim1, Self::Prim2, Self::Prim3, Self::Prim4)

Splits this type up into primitives to be sent over the ABI.


fn join( prim1: Self::Prim1, prim2: Self::Prim2, prim3: Self::Prim3, prim4: Self::Prim4, ) -> Self

Reconstructs this type from primitives received over the ABI.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T: WasmAbi<Prim3 = (), Prim4 = ()>> WasmAbi for Result<T, u32>


type Prim3 = u32

If this Result is an Err, the error value.


type Prim4 = u32

Whether this Result is an Err.


type Prim1 = <T as WasmAbi>::Prim1


type Prim2 = <T as WasmAbi>::Prim2


fn split(self) -> (T::Prim1, T::Prim2, u32, u32)


fn join(prim1: T::Prim1, prim2: T::Prim2, err: u32, is_err: u32) -> Self


impl<T: WasmAbi<Prim4 = ()>> WasmAbi for Option<T>


type Prim1 = u32

Whether this Option is a Some value.


type Prim2 = <T as WasmAbi>::Prim1


type Prim3 = <T as WasmAbi>::Prim2


type Prim4 = <T as WasmAbi>::Prim3


fn split(self) -> (u32, T::Prim1, T::Prim2, T::Prim3)


fn join(is_some: u32, prim1: T::Prim1, prim2: T::Prim2, prim3: T::Prim3) -> Self



impl WasmAbi for WasmSlice


type Prim1 = u32


type Prim2 = u32


type Prim3 = ()


type Prim4 = ()


impl<T: WasmPrimitive> WasmAbi for T


type Prim1 = T


type Prim2 = ()


type Prim3 = ()


type Prim4 = ()