• Start Date: 2018-10-05
  • RFC PR: https://github.com/rustwasm/rfcs/pull/5
  • Tracking Issue: (leave this empty)


Change #[wasm_bindgen] to use structural by default, and add a new attribute final for an opt-in to today's behavior. Once implemented then use Deref to model the class inheritance hierarchy in web-sys and js-sys to enable ergonomic usage of superclass methods of web types.


The initial motivation for this is outlined RFC 3, namely that the web-sys crate provides bindings for many APIs found on the web but accessing the functionality of parent classes is quite cumbersome.

The web makes extensive use of class inheritance hierarchies, and in web-sys right now each class gets its own struct type with inherent methods. These types implement AsRef between one another for subclass relationships, but it's quite unergonomic to actually reference the functionality! For example:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let x: &Element = ...;
let y: &Node = x.as_ref();


# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let x: &Element = ...;
<Element as AsRef<Node>>::as_ref(x)

It's be much nicer if we could support this in a more first-class fashion and make it more ergonomic!

Note: While this RFC has the same motivation as RFC 3 it's proposing an alternative solution, specifically enabled by switching by structural by default, which is discussed in RFC 3 but is hopefully formally outlined here.

Detailed Explanation

This RFC proposes using the built-in Deref trait to model the class hierarchy found on the web in web-sys. This also proposes changes to #[wasm_bindgen] to make using Deref feasible for binding arbitrary JS apis (such as those on NPM) with Deref as well.

For example, web-sys will contain:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Deref for Element {
    type Target = Node;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Node { /* ... */ }

allowing us to write our example above as:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let x: &Element = ...;
x.append_child(...); // implicit deref to `Node`!

All JS types in web-sys and in general have at most one superclass. Currently, however, the #[wasm_bindgen] attribute allows specifying multiple extends attributes to indicate superclasses:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern {
    #[wasm_bindgen(extends = Node, extends = Object)]
    type Element;

    // ...

The web-sys API generator currently lists an extends for all superclasses, transitively. This is then used in the code generator to generate AsRef implementatiosn for Element.

The code generation of #[wasm_bindgen] will be updated with the following rules:

  • If no extends attribute is present, defined types will implement Deref<Target=JsValue>.
  • Otherwise, the first extends attribute is used to implement Deref<Target=ListedType>.
  • (long term, currently require a breaking change) reject multiple extends attributes, requiring there's only one.

This means that web-sys may need to be updated to ensure that the immediate superclass is listed first in extends. Manual bindings will continue to work and will have the old AsRef implementations as well as a new Deref implementation.

The Deref implementation will concretely be implemented as:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Deref for #imported_type {
    type Target = #target_type;

    fn deref(&self) -> &#target_type {

Switching to structural by default

If we were to implement the above Deref proposal as-is today in wasm-bindgen, it would have a crucial drawback. It may not handle inheritance correctly! Let's explore this with an example. Say we have some JS we'd like to import:

class Parent {
    constructor() {}
    method() { console.log('parent'); }

class Child extends Parent {
    constructor() {}
    method() { console.log('child'); }

we would then bind this in Rust with:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern {
    type Parent;
    fn new() -> Parent;
    fn method(this: &Parent);

    #[wasm_bindgen(extends = Parent)]
    type Child;
    fn new() -> Child;
    fn method(this: &Child);

and we could then use it like so:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub fn run() {
    let parent = Parent::new();
    let child = Child::new();

and we would today see parent and child logged to the console. Ok everything is working as expected so far! We know we've got Deref<Target=Parent> for Child, though, so let's say we tweak this example a bit:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub fn run() {

fn call_method(object: &Parent) {

Here we'd naively (and correctly) expect parent and child to be output like before, but much to our surprise this actually prints out parent twice!

The issue with this is how #[wasm_bindgen] treats method calls today. When you say:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn method(this: &Parent);

then wasm-bindgen (the CLI tool) generates JS that looks like this:

const Parent_method_target = Parent.prototype.method;

export function __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method(obj) {

Here we can see that, by default, wasm-bindgen is reaching into the prototype of each class to figure out what method to call. This in turn means that when Parent::method is called in Rust, it unconditionally uses the method defined on Parent rather than walking the protype chain (that JS usually does) to find the right method method.

To improve the situation there's a structural attribute to wasm-bindgen to fix this, which when applied like so:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
#[wasm_bindgen(method, structural)]
fn method(this: &Parent);

means that the following JS code is generated:

const Parent_method_target = function() { this.method(); };

// ...

Here we can see that a JS function shim is generated instead of using the raw function value in the prototype. This, however, means that our example above will indeed print parent and then child because JS is using prototype lookups to find the method method.

Phew! Ok with all that information, we can see that if structural is omitted then JS class hierarchies can be subtly incorrect when methods taking parent classes are passed child classes which override methods.

An easy solution to this problem is to simply use structural everywhere, so... let's propose that! Consequently, this RFC proposes changing #[wasm_bindgen] to act as if all bindings are labeled as structural. While technically a breaking change it's believed that we don't have any usage which would actually run into the breakage here.

Adding #[wasm_bindgen(final)]

Since structural is not the default today we don't actually have a name for the default behavior of #[wasm_bindgen] today. This RFC proposes adding a new attribute to #[wasm_bindgen], final, which indicates that it should have today's behavior.

When attached to an attribute or method, the final attribute indicates that the method or attribute should be processed through the prototype of a class rather than looked up structurally via the prototype chain.

You can think of this as "everything today is final by default".

Why is it ok to make structural the default?

One pretty reasonable question you might have at this point is "why, if structural is the default today, is it ok to switch?" To answer this, let's first explore why final is the default today!

From its inception wasm-bindgen has been designed with the future host bindings proposal for WebAssembly. The host bindings proposal promises faster-than-JS DOM access by removing many of the dynamic checks necessary when calling DOM methods. This proposal, however, is still in relatively early stages and hasn't been implemented in any browser yet (as far as we know).

In WebAssembly on the web all imported functions must be plain old JS functions. They're all currently invoked with undefined as the this parameter. With host bindings, however, there's a way to say that an imported function uses the first argument to the function as the this parameter (like Function.call in JS). This in turn brings the promise of eliminating any shim functions necessary when calling imported functionality.

As an example, today for #[wasm_bindgen(method)] fn parent(this: &Parent); we generate JS that looks like:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn method(this: &Parent);

means that the following JS code is generated:

const Parent_method_target = Parent.prototype.method;

export function __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method(idx) {

If we assume for a moment that anyref is implemented we could instead change this to:

const Parent_method_target = Parent.prototype.method;

export function __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method(obj) {

(note the lack of need for getObject). And finally, with host bindings we can say that the wasm module's import of __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method uses the first parameter as this, meaning we can transform this to:

export const __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method = Parent.prototype.method;

and voila, no JS function shims necessary! With structural we'll still need a function shim in this future world:

export const __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method = function() { this.method(); };

Alright, with some of those basics out of the way, let's get back to why-final-by-default. The promise of host bindings is that by eliminating all these JS function shims necessary we can be faster than we would otherwise be, providing a feeling that final is faster than structural. This future, however, relies on a number of unimplemented features in wasm engines today. Let's consequently get an idea of what the performance looks like today!

I've been slowly over time preparing a microbenchmark suite for measuring JS/wasm/wasm-bindgen performance. The interesting one here is the benchmark "structural vs not". If you click "Run test" in a browser after awhile you'll see two bars show up. The left-hand one is a method call with final and the right-hand one is a method call with structural. The results I see on my computer are:

  • Firefox 62, structural is 3% faster
  • Firefox 64, structural is 3% slower
  • Chrome 69, structural is 5% slower
  • Edge 42, structural is 22% slower
  • Safari 12, strutural is 17% slower

So it looks like for Firefox/Chrome it's not really making much of a difference but in Edge/Safari it's much faster to use final! It turns out, however, that we're not optimizing structural as much as we can. Let's change our generated code from:

const Parent_method_target = function() { this.method(); };

export function __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method(obj) {


export function __wasm_bindgen_Parent_method(obj) {

(manually editing the JS today)

and if we rerun the benchmarks (sorry no online demo) we get:

  • Firefox 62, structural is 22% faster
  • Firefox 64, structural is 10% faster
  • Chrome 69, structural is 0.3% slower
  • Edge 42, structural is 15% faster
  • Safai 12, structural is 8% slower

and these numbers look quite different! There's some strong data here showing that final is not universally faster today and is actually almost universally slower (when we optimize structural slightly).

Ok! That's all basically a very long winded way of saying final was the historical default because we thought it was faster, but it turns out that in JS engines today it isn't always faster. As a result, this RFC proposes that it's ok to make structural the default.


Deref is a somewhat quiet trait with disproportionately large ramifications. It affects method resolution (the . operator) as well as coercions (&T to &U). Discovering this in web-sys and/or JS apis in the ecosystem isn't always the easiest thing to do. It's thought, though, that this aspect of Deref won't come up very often when using JS apis in practice. Instead most APIs will work "as-is" as you might expect in JS in Rust as well, with Deref being an unobtrusive solution for developers to mostly ignore it an just call methods.

Additionally Deref has the drawback that it's not explicitly designed for class inheritance hierarchies. For example *element produces a Node, **element produces an Object, etc. This is expected to not really come up that much in practice, though, and instead automatic coercions will cover almost all type conversions.

Rationale and Alternatives

The primary alternative to this design is RFC 3, using traits to model the inheritance hierarchy. The pros/cons of that proposal are well listed in RFC 3.

Unresolved Questions

None right now!