• Start Date: 2018-07-10
  • RFC PR: https://github.com/rustwasm/rfcs/pull/2
  • Tracking Issue: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/pull/640


Support defining single inheritance relationships in wasm-bindgen's imported types. Specifically, we define static upcasts from a derived type to one of its base types, checked dynamic casts from a type to any other type using JavaScript's instanceof operator, and finally unchecked casts between any JavaScript types as an escape hatch for developers. For the proc-macro frontend, this is done by adding the #[wasm_bindgen(extends = Base)] attribute to the derived type. For the WebIDL frontend, WebIDL's existing interface inheritance syntax is used.


Prototype chains and ECMAScript classes allow JavaScript developers to define single inheritance relationships between types. WebIDL interfaces can inherit from one another, and Web APIs make widespread use of this feature. We want to support calling base methods on an imported derived type and passing an imported derived type to imported functions that expect a base type in wasm-bindgen. We want to support dynamically checking whether some JS value is an instance of a JS class, and dynamically-checked casts. Finally, the same way that unsafe provides an encapsulatable escape hatch for Rust's ownership and borrowing, we want to provide unchecked (but safe!) conversions between JS classes and values.


Anyone who is using wasm-bindgen directly or transitively through the web-sys crate is affected. This does not affect the larger wasm ecosystem outside of Rust (eg Webpack). Therefore, the usual advertisement of this RFC on This Week in Rust and WebAssembly and at our working group meetings should suffice in soliciting feedback.

Detailed Explanation

Example Usage

Consider the following JavaScript class definitions:

class MyBase { } class MyDerived extends MyBase { }

We translate this into wasm-bindgen proc-macro imports like this:

#[wasm_bindgen] extern { pub extern type MyBase; #[wasm_bindgen(extends = MyBase)] pub extern type MyDerived; }

Note the #[wasm_bindgen(extends = MyBase)] annotation on extern type MyDerived. This tells wasm-bindgen that MyDerived inherits from MyBase.

Alternatively, we could describe these same classes as WebIDL interfaces:

interface MyBase {} interface MyDerived : MyBase {}

Example Upcasting

We can upcast into a MyBase from a MyDerived type using the normal From, AsRef, AsMut, and Into conversions:

let derived: MyDerived = get_derived_from_somewhere(); let base: MyBase = derived.into();

Example Dynamically-Checked Casting

We can do dynamically-checked (checked with JavaScript's instanceof operator) downcasts from a MyBase into a MyDerived using the dyn_{into,ref,mut} methods:

let base: MyBase = get_base_from_somewhere(); match base.dyn_into::<MyDerived>() { Ok(derived) => { // It was an instance of `MyDerived`! } Err(base) => { // It was some other kind of instance of `MyBase`. } }

Example Unchecked Casting

If we really know that a MyBase is an instance of MyDerived and we don't want to pay the cost of a dynamic check, we can also use unchecked conversions:

let derived: MyDerived = get_derived_from_somewhere(); let base: MyBase = derived.into(); // We know that this is a `MyDerived` since we *just* converted it into `MyBase` // from `MyDerived` above. let derived: MyDerived = base.unchecked_into();

Unchecked casting serves as an escape hatch for developers, and while it can lead to JavaScript exceptions, it cannot create memory unsafety.

The JsCast Trait

For dynamically-checked and unchecked casting between arbitrary JavaScript types, we introduce the JsCast trait. It requires implementations provide a boolean predicate that consults JavaScript's instanceof operator, as well as unchecked conversions from JavaScript values:

pub trait JsCast { fn instanceof(val: &JsValue) -> bool; fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self; fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self; fn unchecked_from_js_mut(val: &mut JsValue) -> &mut Self; // ... provided methods elided ... }

JsCast's required trait methods are not intended to be used to directly, but instead are leveraged by its provided methods. Users of wasm-bindgen will be able to ignore JsCast's required trait methods for the most part, since the implementations will be mechanically generated, and they will only be using the required trait methods indirectly through the more ergonomic provided methods.

For every extern { type Illmatic; } imported with wasm-bindgen, we emit an implementation of JsCast similar to this:

impl JsCast for Illmatic { fn instanceof(val: &JsValue) -> bool { #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] #[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"] extern { fn __wbindgen_instanceof_Illmatic(idx: u32) -> u32; } #[cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))] unsafe extern fn __wbindgen_instanceof_Illmatic(_: u32) -> u32 { panic!("function not implemented on non-wasm32 targets") } __wbindgen_instance_of_MyDerived(val.idx) == 1 } fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Illmatic { Illmatic { obj: val, } } fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Illmatic { unsafe { &*(val as *const JsValue as *const Illmatic) } } fn unchecked_from_js_mut(val: &mut JsValue) -> &mut Illmatic { unsafe { &mut *(val as *mut JsValue as *mut Illmatic) } } }

Additionally, wasm-bindgen will emit this JavaScript definition of __wbindgen_instanceof_Illmatic that simply wraps the JS instanceof operator:

const __wbindgen_instanceof_Illmatic = function (idx) { return getObject(idx) instanceof Illmatic; };

JsCast's Provided Trait Methods

The JsCast trait's provided methods wrap the unergonomic required static trait methods and provide ergonomic, chainable versions that operate on self and another T: JsCast. For example, the JsCast::is_instance_of method asks if &self is an instance of some other T that also implements JsCast.

pub trait JsCast where Self: AsRef<JsValue> + AsMut<JsValue> + Into<JsValue>, { // ... required trait methods elided ... // Unchecked conversions from `Self` into some other `T: JsCast`. fn unchecked_into<T>(self) -> T where T: JsCast, { T::unchecked_from_js(self.into()) } fn unchecked_ref<T>(&self) -> &T where T: JsCast, { T::unchecked_from_js_ref(self.as_ref()) } fn unchecked_mut<T>(&mut self) -> &mut T where T: JsCast, { T::unchecked_from_js_mut(self.as_mut()) } // Predicate method to check whether `self` is an instance of `T` or not. fn is_instance_of<T>(&self) -> bool where T: JsCast, { T::instanceof(self.as_ref()) } // Dynamically-checked conversions from `Self` into some other `T: JsCast`. fn dyn_into<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self> where T: JsCast, { if self.is_instance_of::<T>() { Ok(self.unchecked_into()) } else { Err(self) } } fn dyn_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T> where T: JsCast, { if self.is_instance_of::<T>() { Some(self.unchecked_ref()) } else { None } } fn dyn_mut<T>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> where T: JsCast, { if self.is_instance_of::<T>() { Some(self.unchecked_mut()) } else { None } } }

Using these methods provides better turbo-fishing syntax than using JsCast's required trait methods directly.

fn get_it() -> JsValue { ... } // Tired -_- SomeJsThing::unchecked_from_js(get_it()).method(); // Wired ^_^ get_it() .unchecked_into::<SomeJsThing>() .method();

JsCast Implementation for JsValue

We also trivially implement JsCast for JsValue with no-ops, and add AsRef<JsValue> and AsMut<JsValue> implementations for JsValue itself, so that the JsCast super trait bounds are satisfied:

impl AsRef<JsValue> for JsValue { fn as_ref(&self) -> &JsValue { self } } impl AsMut<JsValue> for JsValue { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut JsValue { self } } impl JsCast for JsValue { fn instanceof(_: &JsValue) -> bool { true } fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self { val } fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self { val } fn unchecked_from_js_mut(val: &mut JsValue) -> &mut Self { val } }

Upcasting Implementation

For every extends = MyBase on a type imported with extern type MyDerived, and for every base and derived interface in a WebIDL interface inheritance chain, wasm-bindgen will emit these trait implementations that wrap unchecked conversions methods from JsCast that we know are valid due to the inheritance relationship:

  1. A From implementation for self-consuming conversions:

    impl From<MyDerived> for MyBase { fn from(my_derived: MyDerived) -> MyBase { let val: JsValue = my_derived.into(); <MyDerived as JsCast>::unchecked_from_js(val) } }
  2. An AsRef implementation for shared reference conversions:

    impl AsRef<MyBase> for MyDerived { fn as_ref(&self) -> &MyDerived { let val: &JsValue = self.as_ref(); <MyDerived as JsCast>::uncheck_from_js_ref(val) } }
  3. An AsMut implementation for exclusive reference conversions:

    impl AsMut<MyBase> for MyDerived { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MyDerived { let val: &mut JsValue = self.as_mut(); <MyDerived as JsCast>::uncheck_from_js_mut(val) } }

Deep Inheritance Chains Example

For deeper inheritance chain, like this example:

class MyBase {} class MyDerived extends MyBase {} class MyDoubleDerived extends MyDerived {}

the proc-macro imports require an extends attribute for every transitive base:

#[wasm_bindgen] extern { pub extern type MyBase; #[wasm_bindgen(extends = MyBase)] pub extern type MyDerived; #[wasm_bindgen(extends = MyBase, extends = MyDerived)] pub extern type MyDoubleDerived; }

On the other hand, the WebIDL frontend can understand the full inheritance chain and nothing more than the usual interface inheritance syntax is required:

interface MyBase {} interface MyDerived : MyBase {} interface MyDoubleDerived : MyDerived {}

Given these definitions, we can upcast a MyDoubleDerived all the way to a MyBase:

let dub_derived: MyDoubleDerived = get_it_from_somewhere(); let base: MyBase = dub_derived.into();


  • We might accidentally encourage using this inheritance instead of the more Rust-idiomatic usage of traits.

Rationale and Alternatives

  • We could define an Upcast trait instead of using the standard From and As{Ref,Mut} traits. This would make it more clear that we are doing inheritance-related casts, but would also be a new trait that folks would have to understand vs pretty much every Rust programmer's familiarity with the std traits.

  • Upcasting using the From and As{Ref,Mut} traits does not provide chainable, turbofishing methods on self that one could use when type inference needs a helping hand. Instead, one must create a local variable with an explicit type.

    // Can't do this with upcasting. get_some_js_type() .into::<AnotherJsType>() .method(); // Have to do this: let another: AnotherJsType = get_some_js_type().into(); another.method();

    If we used a custom Upcast trait, we could provide turbofishable methods on self, at the cost of using non-standard traits.

  • We could use TryFrom for dynamically-checked casts instead of JsCast::dyn_into et al. This would introduce a new nightly feature requirement when using wasm-bindgen. We leave the possibility open for when TryFrom is stabilized by not naming our dynamically-checked cast methods JsCast::try_into to be future compatible.

  • Explicit upcasting still does not provide very good ergonomics. There are a couple things we could do here:

    • Use the Deref trait to hide upcasting. This is generally considered an anti-pattern.

    • Automatically create a MyBaseMethods trait for base types that contain all the base type's methods and implement that trait for MyBase and MyDerived? Also emit a MyDerivedMethods trait that requires MyBase as a super trait, representing the inheritance at the trait level? This is the Rust-y thing to do and allows us to write generic functions with trait bounds. This is what stdweb does with the IHTMLElement trait for HTMLElement's methods.

      Whether we do this or not also happens to be orthogonal to casting between base and derived types. We leave exploring this design space to follow up RFCs, and hope to land just the casting in an incremental fashion.

  • Traits sometimes get in the way of learning what one can do with a thing. They aren't as up-front in the generated documentation, and can lead people to thinking they must write code that is generic over a trait when it isn't necessary. There are two ways we could get rid of the JsCast trait:

    1. Only implement its methods on JsValue and require that conversions like ImportedJsClassUno -> ImportedJsClassDos go to JsValue in between: ImportedJsClassUno -> JsValue -> ImpiortedJsClassDos.

    2. We could redundantly implement all its methods on JsValue and imported JS classes directly.

  • Unchecked casting could be marked unsafe to reflect that correctness relies on the programmer in these cases. However, misusing unchecked JS casts cannot introduce memory unsafety in the Rust sense, so this would be using unsafe as a general-purpose "you probably shouldn't use this" warning, which is not unsafe's intended purpose.

  • We could only implement unchecked casts for everything all the time. This would encourage a loose, shoot-from-the-hip programming style. We would prefer leveraging types when possible. We realize that escape hatches are still required at times, and we do provide arbitrary unchecked casts, but guide folks towards upcasting with From, AsRef, and AsMut and doing dynamically checks for other types of casts.

Unresolved Questions

  • Should the JsCast trait be re-exported in wasm_bindgen::prelude? We do not specify that it should be in this RFC, and we can initially ship without re-exporting it in prelude and see what it feels like. Based on experience, we may decide in the future to add it to the prelude.