Announcing the js-sys crate!
We’ve just published the js-sys
crate on!
The js-sys
crate contains raw #[wasm_bindgen]
bindings to all the global
APIs guaranteed to exist in every JavaScript environment by the ECMAScript
standard. It does not contain bindings to any Web- or Node-specific APIs. With
the js-sys
crate, we can work with Object
s, Array
s, Function
s, Map
s, etc… without writing the #[wasm_bindgen]
imports by hand.
For example, we can invoke JavaScript Function
callbacks and
time how long they take to execute with
, and we
don’t need to write any JS imports ourselves:
extern crate js_sys;
extern crate wasm_bindgen;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
pub fn timed(callback: &js_sys::Function) -> f64 {
let then = js_sys::Date::now();
callback.apply(JsValue::null(), &js_sys::Array::new()).unwrap();
let now = js_sys::Date::now();
now - then
The js-sys
crate isn’t quite 100% feature complete yet. There are still some
JavaScript types and methods that we don’t have bindings for. If you want to
help js-sys
cross the finish line, check out this issue!
Also, as mentioned above, the js-sys
crate doesn’t contain bindings to any Web
APIs like document.querySelectorAll
. These will be part of the
crate, which is mechanically generated from WebIDL interface
definitions. We need help with web-sys
too! If you want to help with
, check out its contributing documentation and
issues labeled “web-sys”.
Finally, a SUPER HUGE thank you to the 34 people who have contributed to
the js-sys
crate thus far! 💖
- Alexander Kryvomaz
- Alex Crichton
- belfz
- Chris Kolodin
- Craig Disselkoen
- data-pup
- Dimitrii Nemkov
- gaurikholkar
- Herman J. Radtke III
- Ivan Enderlin
- Jannik Keye
- Johannes Henninger
- Jonathan Sundqvist
- Kevin Hoffman
- kzvi
- Lachezar Lechev
- Liigo Zhuang
- Marcin Baraniecki
- Matias Insaurralde
- Matt Long
- Michael Hoffmann
- Nick Fitzgerald
- R. Andrew Ohana
- robertdurst
- Satoshi Amemiya
- Sendil Kumar
- Stephan Renatus
- Tim Ryan
- T. Nagasawa
- Tomohide Takao
- toversus
- Tyler Laing
- Tyler Wilcock
- xeqlol